
You make some interesting statements.

I have a personal friend who was an illegal immigrant. He was 15 when he crossed the border in 2014ish, fleeing an abusive stepfather, and the drug cartels of Honduras. By the grace of God, his seat was next to an amazing woman on a plane he boarded in Texas, enroute to Chicago. She and her family, followers of Jesus, literally took him in, found legal help, took him to court, and helped him gain legal citizenship. He lived in their home, ate their food, lived on their kindness, for over a year. For those who are so sure that borders should be open, I challenge them to ask themselves: am I willing to do the same?

On another note, here is the story of another woman who lives in Honduras, and witnessed the Caravans. All are not always what they seem. https://stream.org/us-citizen-living-honduras-think-caravan/?fbclid=IwAR1ExAHPEKeEC8hlbxJiZV8Gi-JVWm4M_nSGt8vagiJxckYupq6c_NuX3yY

I’d be curious to hear how someone with Jewish heritage — especially a holocaust survivor — would react to this analogy.

We oversimplify this, and many other, issues.

