limitation inspiration


//a five minute friday piece | possible //

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Every Friday, I spend five minutes or so writing on a word prompt from the Five Minute Friday community. Then, I hit publish. Good for the writing muscles.

i taste the quality of the word —
texture switching from fullness to thin
line of threaded hope

what is possible?

realists don’t dance with this word,
they march with it
holding leash firmly
afraid, a little, to do the deed of dreaming

we want to plant our promise and hold onto it too
possible is less invitation to let imagination
soar through starry skies
than a cold, hard cap on what can be hoped for

no, possible is permission slip
square of golden real estate
telling the truth about potential
teaching us to find fierce inspiration
within fences

This piece first appeared on my website.

View today’s Five Minute Friday link up.

I write to invite pew-weary Jesus people to stop beating themselves up on God’s behalf, and embrace their truest identity as his beloved.

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