Front Row for the Experiment


//a five minute friday piece//

Photo by Azzedine Rouichi on Unsplash

Every Friday, I spend five minutes or so writing on a word prompt from the Five Minute Friday community. Then, I hit publish. Good for the writing muscles.

let the world wake
with a roar
felt in the bare feet of the willing ones

in mighty silence
embryonic earth-stars
shift skyward
sparks of sunshine
inherited by seedtime thrill seekers

light lifts life
from her temporary tomb
as small-bodied watchers
bear witness
to the annual never-failed Experiment

This piece first appeared on my instagram.

View today’s Five Minute Friday link up.

I write to invite pew-weary Jesus people to stop beating themselves up on God’s behalf, and embrace their truest identity as his beloved.

Subscribe to my once-a-month missive and receive the free guide, “7 Simple + Surprising Ways to Connect With God in the Overwhelm.” Each suggestion takes 5 minutes to 5 seconds. Practicing the presence of God doesn’t have to be complicated.

